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usako's 日记

what do u think??
11.09 / Selasa, 30 Oktober 2007
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it's raining again in Jakarta,for me rain is romantic, make me feel...i don't know, but i like rain of course,what do you guys think about rain? does you guys feel the same like i feel? if i talk about rain, i remember about 1 character in Sitta Karina's book that called Lukisan Hujan. There's 1 character there very love rain, she thinks rain is beautiful, lovely, and romantic. And i kinda like the character, because even she's young, but very mature inside (just like the boy in that story said ^^) If you guys haven't read it yet, i recommended this book to all of you, because the story isn't like the other books, although the boy in this story is to good to be true for me ^^
hari yang membosankan
11.16 / Senin, 29 Oktober 2007
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aaaa...hari senin itu bener2 hari yang membosankan dari keseluruhan minggu, dimana yang kerja mulai kerja, yang sekolah mulai sekolah, yang kuliah mulai kuliah. ga tau knp tp kl hari senin itu males banget d kalo musti bangun pagi, kayaknya tuh berat banget buat ninggalin kasur, mungkin karena kemaren na minggu kali yah, kek na pengen na tuh libur trus he3x tp emg sifat dasar manusia kali yah, udah dikasi libur malah pengen masuk, begitu masuk pengen na libur ^^